Research Questions, Answers, and Analysis

Part 1
Preliminary Questions

Q1 Which state do you live in?

Q2 Are you the person who most influences worship service planning, ordering and design (other than your senior pastor)?

Q3 Please confirm that your church is a Southern Baptist or Southern Baptist affiliated church.

Q4 Does your church meet on multiple sites or more than one campus?

Q5 How many worship services commonly occur at your church’s main campus each weekend (excluding Sunday night)?

Q6 If you are multi­site, how many total worship services commonly occur at all of your church campuses each weekend (excluding Sunday night)?

Q7 Geographically, please select the term that best describes the location of your church’s main campus.

General Information and Characterizations Regarding the Primary Worship Service

Q8 Please estimate the average attendance at your main worship service (most attended) held on your main campus (one single service).

Q9 Who contributes to the planning of your most attended worship service? Please check all that apply.

Q10 Typically, how long is your most attended worship service in its entirety (please exclude prelude and postlude)?

Q11 How long is the portion of your most attended worship service prior to the sermon (please exclude the prelude)?

Q12 Which of these descriptors characterize your most attended worship service on a typical weekend (recognizing that many of the following terms often have a variety of definitions)? Select all that apply.

Worship Service Content and Leadership

Q13 What elements are typically included in your most attended worship service prior to the message/sermon? Check all that apply.

Q14 On average, how many congregational songs are included in your most attended worship service PRIOR to the sermon/message?

Q15 Who is typically involved in leading your most attended worship service? Please select all that apply.

How Worship Service Elements Are Selected

Q16 What are the goals, values, or objectives that influence your selection process? Please rank each of the following goals/values/objectives on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 indicating no influence and 5 indicating the strongest influence on how/why you select elements that will comprise your worship service.

Q17 Thinking about your responses to the previous question (Q16), what factors most influence your worship planning?

How Worship Services Are Begun

Q18 Worship service beginnings: please characterize the focus of the elements that most often occur within the first 5­10 minutes of your most attended service.

Q19 When is Scripture typically read during the portion of the worship service that precedes the message? Check all that apply.

Q20 If Scripture is read at or near the beginning of your worship service (within the first 10 minutes), please check the kind of passage that most often describes the flavor/theme/focus of that Scripture:

Q21 As you plan a worship service, what do you most often [2nd most often, 3rd most often] convey about God?

How Worship Service Elements Are Sequentially Ordered

Q22 The drop down list below displays factors that may influence how you ORDER or SEQUENCE elements in your worship service. Please indicate the top three most influential factors that impact how you ORDER or SEQUENCE a worship service?

Q23 The content of the FIRST (SECOND, THIRD, etc.) congregational song is most often like . . .

Q24 Combined with Question 23

Q25 How frequently do you celebrate the Lord’s Supper at your most attended service?

Personal Information about the Worship Pastors Responding to the Survey

Q26 How long have you served in your current church specifically in the area of music and worship ministry?

Q27 How many years have passed since you began your first full-time position as minister of music (including combined positions like music/youth or music/administration, etc.)?