Typically, how long is your most attended worship service in its entirety (please exclude prelude and postlude)?


It is notable that the highest number of churches have services of 75 minutes, and the number of churches exceeding this length decreases dramatically (80 churches aim for 75 minutes, while only 14 aim for 80, 6 for 85, 20, for 90, and tailing out after that). While 75 minutes is the mode, the distribution around this mode is not symmetrical. Only about 1 in 5 churches exceeds the mode.

Raw Data

Minutes n = 266 Percentage
30 1 0.4%
50 1 0.4%
55 1 0.4%
60 34 12.8%
65 38 14.3%
70 60 22.6%
75 80 30.1%
80 14 5.3%
85 6 2.3%
90 20 7.5%
95 3 1.1%
115 5 1.9%
120+ 3 1.1%
Total 266 100.0%