What elements are typically included in your most attended worship service prior to the message/sermon? Check all that apply.

Raw Data

Service Elements n = 267 Percent
Congregational Singing 257 96.3%
Welcoming/Greeting (Pastoral) 236 88.4%
Prayer 235 88.0%
Greeting One Another During the Service 214 80.1%
Video/Media Elements 210 78.7%
Baptisms 185 69.3%
Announcements 183 68.5%
Receiving of the Offering 179 67.0%
Prayer for the Offering 160 59.9%
Scripture Reading 146 54.7%
Choir Anthem 132 49.4%
Vocal Solos or Small Ensembles 111 41.6%
Call to Worship (Sung) 88 33.0%
Lord’s Supper 56 21.0%
Personal Testimonies 56 21.0%
Call to Worship (Spoken) 54 20.2%
Drama/Dramatic Readings 20 7.5%
Dance/Liturgical Dance 12 4.5%
Total Responses 267